Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dream Dolls

Better than Craigslist, I suppose. I should have mentioned in yesterday's post that there were 45-60 MPH winds on Lake Shore Drive and that's why you saw doors opened, they couldn't be shut. Many people were rescued by crawling through their windows. I don't know if I'll be posting much in the immediate future, I've been battling having my right eye swollen shut for weeks, I'm now getting severe headaches and am going to an eye doctor in the morning, he'll likely ask for an MRI, and so, without insurance I'll head up to Swedish Covenant on the north side and sit in the ER as a hobo.

Lake Shore Drive, Snow Locked

First, these are not photos I took. But February has ended, tomorrow's 41 degrees will melt trhe last of the snow--we topped out at 30 inches for the month--but these shots of LSD are something. Initially, the city got heat for not shutting down the drive, but the blizzard did hit about three hours earlier than expected. Things were still OK until a CTA bus jack-knifed, blocking traffic. Days later, a few people who were rescued from their cars by firefighters on snowmobiles admitted they ere wrong to even get on the Drive. As it was, 15 foot wave surges had been expected and all along I thought that most of those people were just avoiding the subway or surface bus routes. LSD will end up on Hollywood and Sheridan, so its not like anyone had no other option but to get on it. You can avoid crowded trains but taking one south and then doubling back, thus already having a seat. You might lose twenty minutes, God forbid you are with black people going south, but your car wouldn't have been frozen to the street for 72 hours. Also, every time it snows big or the anniversary rolls around, we see shots of the blizzard of 1967. And what photos do they show? Cars stranded on LSD.